Recent and Ongoing Projects

Innu Leadership Health Mamituin (Feb 2013)

Designed and facilitated a four day retreat to build consensus among Innu leadership on how their communities can become healthy once again.  The forum was assisted by enlisting of Phil Fontaine as guest speaker. The resulting outline for action provided a framework for talks with Canada and Newfoundland, a framework for senior band staff to draw up community-based long term health and healing plans for both Innu communities in Labrador.


Framework Agreement for IBA – Tsihlqot’in National Government/?Esdilagh First Nation  (ongoing to end of 2013)

Negotiation of Framework agreement leading to negotiation of an Impact Benefit Agreement with Gibraltar Mines Ltd. The First Nations are situated in Central Interior of BC.


Review and Update of Operations Manual – Carrier Chilcotin Tribal Council (2012-2013)  Reviewing and updating the Operations Manual (Labour Standards) for Tribal Administrator. Work expected to be completed shortly. Overall project for review and renewal of the CCTC organization started in Oct 2012 and report submitted in Dec 2012.


Dynamic Land Use Plan – Lheidli T’enneh First Nation (Ongoing to May 2013).

Design and implementation of an effective land and resource referral process and ultimately to build a dynamic land use plan for the First Nation.


Resource Negotiations – Multiple First Nations (Ongoing)

Chignecto assists First Nations in negotiating the benefits they will receive from resource projects in terms of employment, business opportunities, training and development, and financial compensation for loss of the use of the land while the project is in operation. Chignecto has been working with a variety of First Nations across the country including the Kaska Dena Council, Constance Lake First Nation, Lutsel K’e Dene, Innu Nation and many more. Please check out our page on Resource Negotiations for more information.


Training to Employment Program – Constance Lake First Nation (Ongoing)

The Lecours Sawmill operated on leased land from Constance Lake First Nation. Members of Constance Lake require basic skill readiness as well as speciality training to take advantage of job opportunities. Chignecto is helping to secure funding for education and training.


Organizational Review for Financial Recovery and Capacity Development – Mushuau Innu First Nation (Ongoing)

The review will identify and address substantive governance, administration, finance and capacity issues.  The outcome will be a plan  to improve MIFN operations, to support MIFN transition back to self-management,  and move towards long-term sustainability.


Innu Round Table (2011-2013)

Helped draft a proposal for an Innu –led tripartite approach to address outstanding health and healing  issues. Proposal was approved by Canada and we are now assisting in setting up a secretariat, workplan, and community healing plans to fulfil Innu leadership roles in the new Innu Round Table.


Income Support Demonstration Project (2012-2013)

Developed two year project to illustrate how First Nation based income support and active measures program can work on a reserve getting direct provincial services. After initial approval by the provincial Minister, the project is being amended to reflect subsequent provincial commitment  to Devolution after the project is complete.


First Nation Student Success Program – Three Nations Education Group Inc. (2010 – 2013)

Assisted three Atlantic First Nations in forming  a corporation focussed on education, and secured its initial FNSSP funding. Since  in annual applications and readiness submission.


First Nation Student Success Program – Nokiiwin Tribal Council (2010-2013)

Assisted a tribal council in northern Ontario to secure initial FNSSP funding and later prepare an organization readiness assessment, capacity plan, and application for funding.  


Atlantic Region First Nation Child and Family Service Gathering (October 2012)

Facilitated session of First Nation CFS directors & provincial counterparts from across each of the four provinces, to discuss and compare their service delivery models. Points highlighted included: effective practices; relationships with provinces and legislation; and the challenges of delivering services in First Nation communities. Canada provided presentations on authorities, trends, and other service delivery models across the country.

Fiscal Harmonization – Treaty Nine Chiefs (2012)

Provided analysis of Canada’s proposed funding formula approach to self-government for Treaty Nine Chiefs which is at AIP stage for sectoral self-government over education.


Health Capacity Needs Assessment – Innu Nation (2011-2012)

Appointed to intergovernmental working group to oversee assessment of the two Innu communities’ capacity to administer health funds and services.   Evidence used to convince Canada to provide additional funding for targeted health programs.


FNSSP Toolkit – Nishnawbe Aski Nation (2012)

A toolkit was developed in both online and print formats in partnership with RedSpace (Bedford, NS) to assist teachers, principals, education directors, school staff, parents and students to better understand the First Nation Student Success Program in NAN schools. The toolkit offers information about education in NAN, history of NAN, maps, contact information, community information for new teachers moving to the region, resources for teachers, principal and education directors, games and activities for students, information about the program for parents, and much more.


Joint Action Plan and Education MOU – Nishnawbe Aski Nation (2012)

A joint action plan was developed based on the Education MOU for NAN. The action plan forms part of NAN’s Education Partnership Program.


AANDC Education Information System Position Paper – Chiefs of Ontario (2012)

The EIS is a federal proposal for a single data system to track education performance and measure success. While the system was under review during spring 2012, Chignecto provided the Chiefs of Ontario with a summary of the proposed system, a review of First Nations’ concerns from across Canada, analysis of the issues (system use, contents proposed, technology, capacity and funding implications, as well as privacy and confidentiality concerns), and recommendations.   


Functioning Band Policy on Culture Tourism – Qalipu Mi’kmaq First Nation (2012)

The project  reviewed  best practices from cultural tourism operations in First Nation communities across Canada. Three consultation sessions were held with Band members and Mi’kmaq Spiritual Leaders from across Newfoundland. The information collected was used to create a cultural tourism policy and management framework for Chief and Council.


Economic Development Organizational Review – Wabigoon Lake Ojibway Nation (2011)

Analyzed linkages between governance, finance, and business sections of the First Nation, and recommended alignment of structures and procedures to improve transparency and situate the Band to take better advantage of economic opportunities.