Chignecto has developed a successful multi-day training program that improves understanding of the roles of Boards and Councils (governance) versus administration (management). This session helps improve communication between staff and elected board members and function within each unit. In working with First Nations towards greater self-determination and self-governance, we provide the following support:

• Communications
• Negotiations Support
• Policy Development
• Preparatory Research
• Strategic Planning
• Technical Advice
• Workplan and Budget Development

Examples of our work include:

Board of Directors and Band Council training. Clients include Elsipogtog First Nation, Innu Nation Board of Directors, Sheshatshui Innu Band Council, and IED Board of Directors (1998-ongoing)

Atlantic Political Accord; Exploratory Talks on Sectoral Social Services Self Government. Member of federal representative Team. (2002 & 2003)

Border Beacon Retreat. Development of a community-based governance model aspart of an overall Healing Strategy for the Mushuau Innu. (1999)

14 Weldon Street
Sackville, New Brunswick E4L 4N2
Phone: 506 536-2378
Fax: 506 364-0194
Email: [email protected]




Our experience with Chignecto is that they produce quality work. They give 100% and are always on time. They give us the information we need to make informed decisions without imposing their views or opinions.”

Terry Waboose
Director, Process Coordination Unit
Nishnawbe Aski Nation