
Recently completed projects include impact benefit negotiations, self-government negotiations, Aboriginal Head Start On-Reserve, strategic planning, Post-secondaryeducation policy and program analysis, and K-12 education best practices. Hereare some examples of our most recent work.

Attawapiskat First Nation Impact Benefits Agreement
Attawapiskat First Nation and DeBeers Canada negotiated an Impact Benefit Agreementas a condition for the establishment of a diamond mine within Attawapiskat FirstNation’s traditional territory. Chignecto Consulting Group provided thefollowing services:
• Negotiation Organization and Structure technical advice
• Negotiation Support
• Research and Analysis
• Environmental Expertise
• Engineering Expertise
• Financial Expertise

Attawapiskat First Nation Resources Inc.
Chignecto supported the Attawapiskat First Nation in its negotiations and consultations towards an Impact Benefit Agreement with De Beers Canada Inc. for the proposedVictor Diamond Project. A key objective of the negotiations was to ensure thatthe First Nation would benefit economically from the development of the VictorMine. This was achieved by building into the IBA a unique contracting processwhich gave significant advantages to Attawapiskat businesses while still providingDe Beers assurance of fair price and quality. Concurrently, Chignecto assistedwith the negotiation of joint ventures with established companies. AttawapiskatResources Inc., the company put in place to manage the joint ventures, has receivedover $150 million worth of contracts in the first year of the mine construction.

Ontario First Nation Technical Corporation
Chignecto facilitated a 2-phase strategic planning process with the Ontario-basedgroup to identify priorities and directions for the group during its transitionphase. The strategic process incorporated a SWOT assessment and goal settingfrom which to develop a business case for the organization.

Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) Sectoral Negotiations on Education Jurisdiction
Chignecto Consulting provided technical advice to the NAN Education Jurisdictionsectoral negotiations on self-governance, the NAN Education Committee, and theDeputy Grand Chief. Advice includes negotiations strategies, communications strategicplanning and implementation, and materials design and development.

Atlantic Policy Congress of First Nation Chiefs
Chignecto has undertaken several projects related to social services, water policy,and on-reserve housing policy advice. Our services included adapting the FirstNations’ social assistance policy manual to include a case management approach,a comparison of social assistance benefits between reserves and provincial pracitces,and preparing briefs for policy meetings.

Chiefs of Ontario Workshop and Reporton INAC PTO Policy and Funding Review
Chignecto Consulting assisted the Chiefs of Ontario in preparing a report onthe Operations of the Chiefs of Ontario in response to INAC’s nationalreview of all Provincial and Territorial Organizations (PTOs). The report addressedkey information about its current roles, including its strategic foundations,organizational structure, roles and responsibilities, accountability regime andkey accomplishments. It also outlined the current funding challenges facing theChiefs of Ontario organization and provided guidance on how those challengesmight effectively be addressed in a revised PTO policy. Chignecto Consultingalso facilitated a workshop to enable each territorial organization in the regionto review and clarify the current and future relationship among member territorialorganizations and the Chiefs of Ontario office within the context of INAC’sreview of the PTOs.

Native Language – Phase III – Report on current utilization and successof immersion programs within Nishnawbe Aski Nation, across Canada and Internationally.

Chignecto Consulting Group Inc. completed a research report that discussed thecurrent utilization and success of immersion programs within Nishnawbe Aski Nation(NAN), across Canada and internationally. The report will assist NAN First Nationsin making decisions with respect to immersion programs and to project any additionaleducation costs associated with immersion programming for inclusion in the fundinglevels associated with a Final Agreement on Education Jurisdiction.

Innu Nation Technical Advice Resource Negotiations
Chignecto Consulting provided negotiation support on major projects, includingthe recently completed Impact Benefits Agreement between Voisey’s Bay NickelCompany (INCO), Indian Act registration and reserve creation, and program devolutione.g., child and family services, education, income support.

Onigaming First Nation - Mikinaak Onigaming School
Along with Harvard University, Chignecto partnered with the Mikinaak OnigamingSchool to improve the delivery and administration of education at Onigaming FirstNation. We developed community consultation materials and used them as a teachingtool to inform parents/caretakers and community members about the initiativeand the value of education.

Mattagami First Nation
Chignecto led an Education System review for Mattagami First Nation where all aspects of the local education system were assessed, including: facilities and resources, curriculum, governance, administration, teachers, students, the surrounding environment, and funding arrangements. The results of this process included new policies and program priorities, and a renewed interest in the local education system by the community as a whole.

14 Weldon Street
Sackville, New Brunswick E4L 4N2
Phone: 506 536-2378
Fax: 506 364-0194
Email: [email protected]


