We have considerable negotiations experience, both as lead negotiators and technical advisors to negotiations processes. Our negotiations services include:
• Communications Support
• Lead Negotiator Services
• Preparatory Research
• Strategic Negotiations Planning
• Strategic Support
• Technical Advice
• Workplan Development
Examples of our work include:
Chignecto was the technical advisor in the development of an Impact Benefit Agreementon behalf of the Attawapiskat First Nation with DeBeers Canada on the VictorDiamond Mine (2003-2006).
Chignecto was technical advisor to the Voisey’s Bay Nickel Mine ImpactBenefit Agreement on behalf of the Innu Nation in Labrador (2002)
Our experience with Chignecto is that they produce quality work. They give 100% and are always on time. They give us the information we need to make informed decisions without imposing their views or opinions.”
Terry Waboose
Director, Process Coordination Unit
Nishnawbe Aski Nation