We have expertise in policy and organizational development for program delivery. As such, we provide program planning, implementation advice and policy and strategic development in the following areas:
• Housing
• Economic Development
• Education – Early Learning, K-12, and Post-secondary
• Fiscal planning
• Governance
• Health and healing
• Housing
• Social Services
Examples of our work include:
Attawapiskat organizational review 2006
Metepenagiag First Nation Housing Policy – (2000)
Sheshatshui Innu Band Council administrative policies – Governance, Housing, Personnel, Financial, and Education (1999)
Our experience with Chignecto is that they produce quality work. They give 100% and are always on time. They give us the information we need to make informed decisions without imposing their views or opinions.”
Terry Waboose
Director, Process Coordination Unit
Nishnawbe Aski Nation